Mom has been spending a lot of time in that big bed lately because she had some kid knee infection (she seemed to be walking okay to me and she's not really a kid, so WFT?!?) and then the medicine her V-E-T gave her made her feel even worse. So it's a really good thing the C-A-T and I had this new bed treaty in place so that we wouldn't be bickering while she was resting. Because of our hard work resting with her, she's well along the road to recovery now.
Still can not believe that you give the human so much space. We think you are spoiling her.
Hi, Beckett!
Well... this re-arrangement looks good to me!
Glad to know your mom is feeling better now!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Woo know The Herd is khorrekht!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
PeeEssWoo: We are glad your mom is feeling better!
Between the two of you, we bet mom is quite cozy:) Glad to hear her meds are working, no fun having kid-knee issues.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
You are SUCH a smooth guy Beckett, handling negotiations like this. I really hope this works out all perfectly for the three of you!
Best wishes to Mom! My Mom had a kid knee infection once and it was terrible! So make her get lots of rest, water and TLC from you two.
I think you were very generous with your mom's amount of space. Be sure to snuggle very close to her whilst still stretching out your paws on your side.
Does your mom have a particularly large head, or did you leave her room to breathe? BOL poor moms all over the world...
oh Beckett, I love your posts about how you The Invader share the bed so nicely! My girl is going to have a sauna-graham of her kidneys tomorrow... perhaps I should ready the bed!
You guys should work for United Nations or um the Red Cross, or both!
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