It's Beckett's world - you just live in it.

Friday, March 19, 2010

When the going gets tough, the sprinters get out.

Well, furrends, Mom and I have made it halfway through this whole heartworm house arrest thing. Yesterday I got to go to that V-E-T and flirt with all the vet techs and have some GUY TIME with Dr. G and I didn't even mind so much that they stuck me that big needle again.

When that mom picked me up today I was very excited to see her and my being excited made everyone freak out and tell me to calm down and when I got home I wanted to run and that made my mom leak for a few minutes.

But while Mom was at work in the afternoon I decided that maybe I should be a good boy and not be so rambunctious, and so I have been very good this evening even though that mom seems to once again be doing that thing with cutting up fabric and then sewing it back together, which is just plain silly.

So, four more weeks of house arrest. And halfway through that there will be baseball again!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Best of lukhk to woo there handsome!

Baseball season is a great kharrot fur woo!

Please stay khalm and just gently shake your head at your mom's little khwirk!

Khyra & Khousin Merdie

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Best of lukhk to woo there handsome!

Baseball season is a great kharrot fur woo!

Please stay khalm and just gently shake your head at your mom's little khwirk!

Khyra & Khousin Merdie

Stella said...

Attaboy, Beckett! You are doing just swell and I want you to know I am thinking about you being furry well again, almost evfurry day! That should do some of the trick, would you say?

Your Pal Stella

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Halfway already??? That's great, Beckett. And wanting to run must be a good sign that you are doing well. Maybe Mom is making something for you with all that cutting and sewing.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Joe Stains said...

YA BASEBALL! Glad you are halfway home buddy. When you are free you can run all the way to my house if you want!

Unknown said...

Half way there is not a small task! Keep listening to your doctor and mommy and don't scare her again. Take care.

Mack said...

You can do it!!

My mom would always freak out when Lilly was on her HW treatment - so I think it's a mommy thing!

Asta said...

Sweet Dawling Beckett
You awe sooo bwave and good fow putting up wif youw house awwest, but you'll see it will be all wowf it. You'll be all well and then you can wun and play and have a glowious west of Spwing and summew!!!
Meantime , you can snoopewvise youw mom's weiwd hobby, heheh
smoochie healing kisses

Life With Dogs said...

Heck Beckett, I had no idea you were battling heartworm you poor thing. I hear it's still miserable despite medical advances, and now I know why. Time to break out!
Ok, ignore that...but dare to dream!