It's Beckett's world - you just live in it.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


First of all, thanks for all the nice comments about the picture of me and Mom. We would like to have more photos of us together, but since she's an independent single gal and I'm the dog of the house, we don't often have someone around to take them. Mom says I am too "wiggly" for her to use the self-timer feature. I think she's shifting some blame here.

So far this week has been pretty mellow. We really miss having baseball to listen to every night. In the meantime, I've helped Mom around the house. Tuesday we cleaned and organized the laundry/utility room (I was a really big help). We've been taking nice long walkies too since the temperature here is finally tolerable.

Yesterday it took my mom over an hour to get home from work. Work is only 2 miles away! There was a power outage and the crews were working on the lines right in front of the only street that leads into our subdivision. So I was stuck at home with no dinner, no fan, no air-conditioning... phooey. Finally, my mom was able to get close to the street by winding through a bunch of parking lots, and then she explained to a police officer that she really needed to get home to her dog, and he let her past the trucks. I have no idea what she'd do without me.


Petra said...

Oh, your poor mom having to fight that traffic ~~ and poor you, too, Beckett! I'm bored, too, but did you hear about the halloween party? You need to tell Ruby that you want to go, too!

Joe Stains said...

My Dad is missing baseball too. He had the MLB thing where you get EVERY game on TV!